Konstantin Soars While Ultan Stalls: Latest Raid Buffs

TL;DR: A new event offers double chances on epic and legendary champions from primal shards, but pulling for mythical units is the real goal. Ultan of the Shell gets changes that still seem too narrow, while Konstantin the Dayborn’s boosts may put him into a top-tier damage role—especially when paired with Vlad the Nightborn.

New Event and Shard Pull Advice

A limited-time event in RAID: Shadow Legends is offering double chances at epic and legendary champions from primal shards. Some popular names are featured, including Trunda Giltmallet and Rotos the Lost Groom. However, the true lure of primal shards is hunting for mythical champions, so be cautious if your resources are scarce. The event also ties into earning Titan points, which could help you snag Mad Hatter–themed rewards. If you do want to roll for epics, you’ll find strong picks such as Geomancer and Akemtum in the lineup.

Ultan of the Shell: Still Vaulted?

Ultan has been around for about a year or more, yet he never sparked much interest. His new adjustments aim to boost his survivability and add stronger crowd control, especially if he’s paired with Oella. Here’s a quick look at what changed:

  • A1 – Under the Skin: The chance to place a 60% decrease defense debuff rose from 30% to 50%. Solid improvement, but not game-changing.
  • A2 – Resurging Reversal: It’s still a self-focused cleanse and heal, with an added shield based on Ultan’s attack and the number of debuffs removed. The problem? It only helps Ultan and doesn’t address team needs.
  • A3 – Somnolence Spores: Now also applies a 30% decrease speed debuff. If Oella is on the team, it switches from sleep to stun and can ignore half of the target’s resistance. That’s stronger, but it relies heavily on Oella, who isn’t widely used.

Despite these tweaks, Ultan remains too selfish. His full potential demands Oella’s presence, and even then, he offers little for the rest of the squad. Many players will likely keep him benched.

Konstantin the Dayborn: New Offensive Firepower

Konstantin already had a decent kit, especially when teamed with Vlad the Nightborn. Now, his burst damage looks even stronger:

  • A1 – Sword of Suns: Places an unresistible decrease defense when Vlad is around, giving Konstantin more damage potential.
  • A2 – Rune Shatter: Baseline ignores 15% of enemy defense, plus 10% more for each key debuff (leech, decrease defense, block active skills). If all three land together, it ignores a massive 75% defense. That can lead to huge damage spikes.
  • A3 – Quietude: Steals buffs and transfers debuffs, then resets fully if he takes down his target. With Vlad on the team, these effects can’t be resisted. This is big for shutting down buff-heavy foes.

These enhancements could push Konstantin into a top-tier damage role. When combined with Vlad, he can shred through enemies—even those with high defense. He also blocks revives on certain factions and extends that to all foes if Vlad is present, making him incredibly strong in fights where revive mechanics are common.

Final Thoughts

While Ultan of the Shell remains underwhelming due to his self-serving toolkit and reliance on Oella, Konstantin the Dayborn looks ready to dominate. His improved ignore-defense numbers will catch attention in both the Arena and potentially in PvE encounters where big burst damage is essential.

Credit: Insights based on analysis from Hell Hades. Watch the original video for more details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcQxYYyxp0k