Raid Shadow Legends: Maximize Mad Hatter for Hydra Battles

TL;DR: We're showing you how to create a top-tier Mad Hatter for Raid Shadow Legends, built for crushing Hydra. We’ll cover his best masteries to boost damage, accuracy, and overall effectiveness.

Introduction: Leveling up Mad Hatter

Hey everyone, let’s talk about Mad Hatter! He’s going to be my next champion to hit level 60 in Raid Shadow Legends. Today, we'll finish up his build by looking at his masteries. We're building him specifically for those tough Hydra battles. We play Raid every day and have a blast, and if you want to join in on the fun, here’s my link. It will get you two free Epic Champions and extra rewards to get you started.

Mastery Choices: Focusing on Offense and Support

We decided to build Mad Hatter using both the Offensive and Support Mastery trees. We think this gives the most well-rounded setup for both damage and utility.

Offensive Masteries: Increasing Damage

We first went into the Offensive tree, because damage is always important for Hydra. We picked masteries to boost his overall damage output, focusing on consistent critical hits.

  • Deadly Precision: We started by adding 5% to his critical hit rate. This is the foundation for doing consistent critical damage.
  • Heart of Glory: This increases his damage by 5% when he attacks with full health, making his initial hits stronger.
  • Keen Strike: We added another 10% to his critical damage. Did I show you that one already? Now you know!
  • Singled Out: This improves his damage by 8% when attacking enemies with less than 40% health. This really helps finish off those enemies who are about to die.
  • Life Drinker: We included this for sustain, adding a 5% heal when attacking with 50% health or less. It's a free heal for extra survivability. Keep in mind that I’m not a whale account, so I choose skills that are great for lower spenders and free to play accounts.
  • Bring It Down: He gets another 6% damage increase when attacking enemies with more maximum health. This is great for targeting Hydra heads.
  • Methodical: His default skill will now do 2% more damage each time he uses it, stacking up to 10%. This is great to help him scale up damage over long fights.
  • Kill Streak: This mastery increases damage by 6% in Arena and Siege battles and 3% in all other locations for each enemy killed by Mad Hatter in battle. It stacks up to 12% per battle, which makes it a very good pick.

Support Masteries: Accuracy and Utility

Next, we moved into the Support Tree, focusing on the accuracy and utility that Mad Hatter needs to apply debuffs reliably.

  • Pinpoint Accuracy: We added +10 accuracy. Gotta make sure those debuffs land on enemies!
  • Charged Focus: He gets another 20 accuracy when all his skills are ready. Great for those key moments where you really need a debuff to stick.
  • Swarm Smiter: We picked this one to add 4 accuracy for every living enemy, up to a maximum of 16. That’s ideal for Hydra where there are multiple enemies.
  • Lore of Steel: This increases base stat set bonuses by 15%, and it is multiplicative which makes our gear even better. Gotta love making our gear more powerful!
  • Cycle of Magic: He has a 5% chance to reduce a random skill's cooldown by one turn each turn.
  • Master Hexer: This gives us a 30% chance to extend debuffs by one turn, which is important for crowd control and won’t extend debuffs after the first one.

Mad Hatter's Stats at Level 50

Before getting him to level 60, here’s how Mad Hatter is looking right now:

  • HP: 46,446
  • Attack: 1,112
  • Defense: 2,098
  • Crit Rate: 38%
  • Crit Damage: 74%
  • Resistance: 109
  • Accuracy: 303

Keep in mind, I will wait for the next Artifact Enhancement Event to level him up, but he is looking pretty good.

Using Mad Hatter: Hydra and Arena

I'm mainly using Mad Hatter in Hydra, though I do use him in Arena when the opportunity is there. We don’t always have the best luck with Hydra, but the rewards are too good to ignore.

Hydra Teams

Here are the teams I’m currently using:

Normal Hydra Team:

  • Mad Hatter
  • Ursula
  • Rathalos
  • Mordecai
  • Seeker
  • Rector Drath

Hard Hydra Team:

  • Ursula
  • Rathalos
  • Mordecai
  • Seeker
  • Mad Hatter
  • Mother Cybele

Arena Battles

I also use him in the Arena. It's fun battling other players and Mad Hatter does well in a good team. We’re in the top 1,000 and having fun battling, and I really like the manual arena battles.

Conclusion and What's Next

That’s how we’ve built Mad Hatter so far! I’ll be getting him to level 60 soon, so some of this could change. He’s a really fun Champion to play with. Stay tuned for our next article where we take a look at Lady Noelle’s Masteries. Oh yeah, a sneak peek for you!