Diablo Immortal Class Change: A Complete Guide to Switching Classes Effectively

TL;DR: Diablo Immortal's class change mechanic is fantastic, letting you switch classes daily for free. We'll show you how to make the most of it by saving builds, optimizing gear, and using your resources wisely.

The class change mechanic inside of Diablo Immortal is one of the best features that the game has to offer today. We’re going to be teaching you how you can effectively transition from the class that you're currently playing to a brand new class absolutely for free, without losing anything inside of the game.

Many of our long-time readers will be aware of this, but many new players are diving into Diablo Immortal daily, so for all of you, let's go through this mechanic. We’ll cover not only how to class change but how to make sure that when you do class change you're prepared to dominate with the new class you decide to play.

Navigating the Shifting Flames: Pre-Change Prep

First things first, when you want to class change, you have to go to the Shifting Flames. Check your map, it's on the right-hand side of Westmarch; pretty easy to find.

  • You can class change once per day.
  • It's a sweet feature that allows you to play a Wizard today, a Crusader tomorrow, and a Barbarian the day after. You can continuously do this.

But, there are some things you’ll want to do before you actually do that class change. If you're class changing on a regular basis, make sure that when you go back to a class that you're currently playing you're prepared to be that class again.

The best, though not perfect way to do this, is through the Armory:

  1. Before changing out of your current class, save all of your builds so they are somewhat there when you come back, whether it's a day later or a year later. Hopefully they'll save effectively for you.
  2. When you do your saves of your gear, choose ‘save legendary Essence and gems without items’. This makes it so that you get new items in the build and they are not missing because you're saving the Essences and the gems without the items themselves.
  3. We don't save Paragon, we don't save any of this other stuff, because it just gets clunky. This is far from a smooth, well-oiled machine. We try to make it as simple as possible.
  4. We will activate and override our PVP build, or our farming and dungeon build to make sure that the builds are saved.

Once you’ve saved your build, you can say, "All right, we are now going to take our Crusader and we're going to go over to the Shifting Flames, and we are going to go class change." That is really all you need to do beforehand before the actual class changing. Then you're going to dive into the Flames and you're going to get the options of the eight (nine as of this summer) classes that you could play inside of Diablo Immortal.

We'll be putting out tier lists and guides so that you can understand what class may be best for you. When you go to class change you can choose the class and gender. Then you can also change the cosmetic looks if desired. You’ll then click “Class Change”. When you class change you’ll quickly transition to the new class.

Post-Change: Getting Ready

A few things to note when you’ve changed class:

  • Your gear and essences will not be optimal. The essences will need to be changed for your chosen build.
  • All of your gems, gear levels, and previously formed gear and essences will still be available and able to be swapped in.
  • You’ll have identical secondary gear to what you had on your previous class, because secondary gear does not change from class to class.

Let's go through the post-change process:

  1. Go to the armory and see if there is a previous build already to go, and activate that build. This will at least get you on the right class, and will help when you optimize essences later.
  2. Next, go to your stash and activate a charm for the class you just changed to. Since charms give passive buffs, you should make sure it's optimized for your class. Always save the charm from the class you're leaving in the stash for later.
  3. Now, go to the essence transfer and find the right essences for your build. Guides on the internet or from us can help with this. Simply click ‘inherit’ on the essence you want to change, select a piece of gear, and click okay.
  4. Do this for all six or eight pieces of gear. Remember that the seventh and eighth slots are for stance pieces that unlock after you get a couple of hundred Paragon in.
  5. Have fun in PVE: experiment to find what essences work best for you. And go over to the training dummies to test how strong they are.

What if you don't have some essences? If you haven't played a class before, you may have essences to unlock. How do you get essences quickly?

  • We recommend you purchase 10 mystery weapons per day, and 10 primary armors per day (as long as gold permits). They start at around 16,592 gold, but after purchasing 10 they increase to 24,888. This gives you a chance to get new legendary essences, and if nothing else, scrap materials you can use to upgrade your gear.
  • Next, go and salvage anything you don't need, and maybe you'll get a new essence that you actually need for your build.

While you're here, you should also be:

  • Upgrading your gear to level 20 (greens) and level 30 (other tiers).
  • Working on your reforge stats, also known as the bonus attributes that you have on your gear. Different classes require different bonus attributes. For example, Crusaders may want the beneficial effect duration, critical hit chance, skill damage, primary attack damage, and damage to enemies suffering from loss of control. But a Necromancer may want an attribute that allows their summons to be more powerful. You’ll get these using the reforge stones.

There are also ways to get more gear. Let's say you want a piece of green secondary gear. These bring you the other attributes that you need:

  • We’re wearing a two-piece ‘Feasting Barons’, which increases the duration of our harmful effects.
  • We're also wearing a two-piece ‘Vue’, increasing the duration of all beneficial effects on us and our party.
  • And a two-piece ‘Mountbank’, which is offering shielding.
  • And a two-piece ‘Agnet Confalgration’, increasing the duration of additional ignite status by 30%.

We’re wearing four different sets that are two pieces each, each giving us the unlocks. You can go up to a six piece set. If we need a piece of green gear, because maybe we are doing a new build, we can go to set crafting, and if we have enough of the right level Fabled Wisps we can craft a piece of gear with the proper set.

Perhaps we don't have any of those items. We get those from farming dungeons and other pop-up events in the game. Farming dungeons is probably your best bet for acquiring them. Another option is inside your bag, if you have been saving the legendary pieces of gear. Notice that we have 84 of these mystery legendary items. Every one of these that we pull will be a legendary piece of gear that has a chance to give us the legendary essence that we may need for our build. But notice that we only have 13 mystery set items. So if we use one of those, they can become green items with the chance to drop the green gear we need. And if they aren't the gear we need, we can always salvage them for Fabled Wisps, and then use those 5 wisps to craft a new piece of gear. This is probably the best way to get new green gear.

When you are going from one Inferno difficulty to the next every time you jump to a new level you're going to want to replace your gear.

  • Don't replace the levels, though, once you level an item to 20, or 30, or 26, or 28 those levels are forever. You are actually leveling up the slot the gear is in. So you can replace it and the slot remains leveled.
  • Let's say that we are sitting at 775 Paragon and are looking at those mystery items: It's not wise to use those items before you’re about to switch to another Inferno or Hell difficulty. If you do, the items you just got will be under-leveled.
  • Hold off until you have the next Paragon level, so you can be on the next difficulty, then use those green, or these mystery items here, and get the most out of them.
  • We typically only pull them at the start of a new difficulty level, every couple of months, unless we really need some greens or a legendary.

So you've got your legendary gear, you've got your essences for your build, you've got your charm that you're changing as well. All of these things very important. The last thing is probably your legendary gems. Some players swap these out for different classes. We find that to be a lot of work and could be quite expensive if you're a spender because certain gems don't work well with other classes.

  • Take ‘Followers Burden’. It allows your summons to do more damage, so it works best for classes that have summons.
  • ‘Bloody Reach’ does damage the further you are away from enemies, so it's best suited for ranged classes, not melee like a Crusader, Monk or Barbarian.

We like to use gems that work well on all classes, more diverse gems, so that the gems don’t need to be swapped out every time we change class. Your gems also stay exactly how they are when you swap classes, nothing changes, so you don't have to worry about that either. And you can always make your gems dormant, and extract their gem power for other gems.

And finally, your cursed properties. We like to use a four-piece ‘Lashed’, and a four-piece ‘Nettled’ bonus. Remember to use ‘Curse Purifying’ to change the cursed property on a given piece of gear, and make sure that your set bonus properties stay in place if you ever switch out pieces.

This is basically all of the things that you need to go from being one class today to a new class tomorrow, and really not miss a beat. You're going ahead, you're not losing any power, no gems, your gear is all there. All you got to worry about is farming some essences. And the best thing about it again guys is you can do this every single day. Never get bored inside of the game with eight classes as of right now to swap between. Always try out new gameplay styles, always farming new essences and always playing the meta class and the meta build inside of the game because I know we all want to be the strongest class inside of the game. Make sure you subscribe to the channel for anything related to Diablo Immortal news, guides or just playthroughs every single day. Have a good day guys.